Sunday, September 7, 2008


Branches of Government

by: Lovelylaine Tayag

The Founding Fathers, the framers of the Constitution, wanted to form a government that did not allow one person to have too much authority or control. While under the rule of the British king they learned that this could be a bad system. Yet government under the Articles of Confederation taught them that there was a need for a strong centralized government.

With this in mind the framers wrote the Constitution to provide for a separation of powers, or three separate branches of government. Each has its own responsibilities and at the same time they work together to make the country run smoothly and to assure that the rights of citizens are not ignored or disallowed. This is done through checks and balances. A branch may use its powers to check the powers of the other two in order to maintain a balance of power among the three branches of government.

The three branches of the U.S. Government are the legislative, executive, and judicial. A complete diagram of the branches of the U.S. Government may be found in the U.S. Government Manual (PDF).

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Friday, September 5, 2008




The state exists through process of evolution. It evolved from the family, then to clan, later to a tribe. The tribe developed a nation and the nation evolved into a state.-
-The Patriarchal Theory

In the patriarchal theory, it is said that state subsists because of the evolution from the family. It is a proof that, as the smallest unit of the institution, family plays a crucial part in making a good nation and reproduces a better society either biologically or socially.

Family is a refuge from the world, furnishing absolute fulfillment. It is considered to egg on "intimacy, love and trust where individuals may escape the competition of dehumanizing forces in modern society from the rough and topple politicking world. It is said to be the place where understanding, love and warmth resides, where mother and father provides protection from the world. That is, marriage should not be ruptured for it distresses nation.

The values that the family members teach to each other generate a big impact in forming a finer look in every aspect of life, especially at politics. But even the only institution that the confused people can lean to is preoccupied with politics.

Recognizing the Filipino family is the groundwork of the nation. That is why constitution provided laws that will secure and protect each member of the family especially the marriage as an inviolable social institution WHERE IT IS THE FOUNDATION OF THE FAMILY and shall be protected by the state.-(ART.XV.SEC2)

Family is the most common way of understanding the country. Thus, one’s understanding of how a family should be will have direct implication for how the country should be.


welcome to the world of politics!

From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Politics is the process by which groups of people make decisions. The term is generally applied to behavior within civil governments, but politics has been observed in all human group interactions, including corporate, academic, and religious institutions. Politics consists of "social relations involving authority or power" and refers to the regulation of a political unit, and to the methods and tactics used to formulate and apply policy.