Ellen G, White (Testimonies, vol9, p.260)
As Creator, Redeemer and Sustainer, Lord and King of all creation, God alone is the source and ground of authority for the church. He delegated authority to His prophets and apostles. They, therefore, occupied a crucial and unique position in the transmission of the word of God and edification of the church. The statement above justifies that the head of the church is none other than the Almighty God, and for that reason, no one should be higher than Him.
How about the subordinates of the Head? Does the church have its election or not at all? We may cite a variety of denominations, but for sure, almost all acquire the same political principles. They do have elections, but the church chooses the process of picking the right leaders in a solemn way. They are not doing it on public, not like a democratic country who possesses candidacies and elections afterwards. Some members of the church are chosen to decide upon to whom the authority in the church should be given. Furthermore, these chosen ones who may be called as the board members of the nominating committee of the church will be guided by a priest or a pastor in order to be more sufficient. Most importantly, they will be guided by the Lord through sober prayers. This route is being practiced by the churches for this won’t include popularity among the people who will be chosen. The method that is usually being delivered by the nation for its government calls for fame among those who are running for their desired positions to be able to win. Refuting with popular demands of the members of the church doesn’t mean that the members alone don’t have the power to change the list of the leaders that are chosen by the nominating committee. The whole church including its members of course will still be the one to approve the roll. This procedure again lets the people to think cunningly for the leaders of the church.
The church is about the gospel of God. The politics that will run inside the house of the Lord should gain enough holiness.